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Mother's Day edit

Mother's Day edit

100% Homemade glass storage jar with lid

Robert Gordon Australia glass honey pot and cast iron mini fry pan.

Robert Gordon Australia glass honey pot and cast iron mini fry pan

This Mother's Day, Sunday, May 8th, make sure Mum doesn't take the burnt toast (or crumpet) for breakfast. Reciprocate Mum's generosity with a gesture of appreciation, whether it is breakfast in bed, a small gift, lunch out with extended family or a homemade meal. The emphasis here is on taking time out to be present, give thanks, say Happy Mother's Day, and raise a glass to mums no longer with us too. Here we bring together some new arrivals and proven favourites: SPECIAL100% Homemade Storage Jar, was $11.95, now $5.95 (eight only); Robert Gordon Australia glass honey pot, lid and dripper, $29.95; Cast iron frypan, 10cm, $9.95; Robert Gordon Australia Hardware Lane Milk Jug and Sugar Bowl, $18.95; Robert Gordon Australia Hardware Lane Teapot, $27.95; Robert Gordon Australia Hardware Lane Large Jug, $69.95; Robert Gordon Australia Hardware Lane Bowl, $49.95Timber handled flower snips, $37.95; Timber handled secateurs, $42.95Leather scratch protectors, $39.95; Romanian enamel jug, 1 litre, $16.95;Burgon and Ball Greenhouse Caddy, $44.95;  Falcon enamel serving spoons and ladle, $9.95 each. Happy Mother's Day to our lovely customers who are mums.

Pretzel topped biscuits inspired by chef , base made from Matthew Evans Winter on the Farm Peanut and Choc Chip Biscuit. Crumpets made from Michelle Crawford's A Table in the Orchard, similar here.

Robert Gordon Australia Hardware Lane milk jug and sugar bowl, mint

Robert Gordon Australia Hardware Lane teapot, mint

Robert Gordon Australia Hardware Lane large jug, grey

Robert Gordon Australia Hardware Lane large bowl, grey

Heaven In Earth timber handled and stainless steel blade secateurs

Heaven in Earth timber handled flower snips and stainless steel blade flower snips

Quality Products long leather scratch protectors, gardening gloves

Romanian enamel 1 litre pitcher/jug.

Burgon and Ball Greenhouse Gardening Caddy

Falcon enamel serving spoon, perforated spoon and ladle

Megan Trousdale
Megan Trousdale


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